




1. 表示“有规律的、正常的”,例如:

(1)The temperature here is regular throughout the year.这里的温度一年四季都很稳定。

(2)His sleep cycle is regular, he always wakes up at the same time every day.他的睡眠周期很规律,他每天都在同一时间醒来。

2. 表示“习惯性的”,例如:

(1)He has a regular habit of smoking two or three cigarettes a day.他有每天抽两到三根烟的习惯。

(2)Regular exercise is essential for maintaining good health.定期锻炼对于保持健康至关重要。

3. 表示“按照一定的规则或标准进行的”,例如:

(1)The company's production process is regularly reviewed and improved to ensure quality control.公司定期对生产过程进行审查和改进,以确保质量控制。

(2)The exam was conducted according to strict rules and regulations.考试按照严格的规则和规定进行。

4. 表示某人或某物在某一领域内具有代表性或典型性,例如:

(1)Our team has a regular player who excels at defense.我们队有一位在防守方面表现突出的典型队员。

(2)She is a regular at this type of event, having attended many similar gatherings in the past.她在这类活动中表现得非常典型,过去参加过许多类似的活动。


1. Normal:与regular相比,normal更强调在某一范围内处于平均水平或标准状态,而regular则强调有规律、正常的性质或状态。例如:

(1)The temperature in this area is normally high in the summer.这个地区的夏天通常很热。

(2)Regular exercise is recommended for maintaining good health.推荐进行定期锻炼以保持健康。

2. Routine:routine侧重指日常工作、学习生活中的有规律的活动或行为,而regular则更广泛地指各种活动的规律性。例如:

(1)His daily routine includes exercising, eating, and going to work.他的日常生活包括锻炼、吃饭和上班。

(2)Regular attendance at religious services is essential for maintaining religious faith.定期参加宗教仪式对于保持宗教信仰至关重要。

3. Typical:typical强调某人或某物在某一方面的代表性或典型性,常常用于形容某人或某物具有某种特性或行为符合一般规律。例如:

(1)She is a typical hard-working student who always studies late into the night.她是一个典型的学习刻苦的学生,经常学习到深夜。

(2)He is a typical example of a conscientious worker who never misses a deadline.他是认真工作的典型例子,从不耽误交期。