


1. 作动词时,Harm表示对某人或某物造成伤害或损害,可以用于各种时态和语态。例如:

a. Smoking can harm your health. 吸烟有害健康。

b. He injured his leg while playing football, causing him harm. 他在踢足球时伤了腿,受到了伤害。

2. 作名词时,Harm表示有害的影响或损害,可以与介词to连用,表示对某人或某物的损害。例如:

a. The floods caused great harm to the crops. 水灾对农作物造成了很大的损害。

b. The chemical in the detergent can harm the skin. 洗涤剂中的化学物质会对皮肤造成伤害。


1. Damage:意为损害、破坏,强调对某人或某物造成实质性的损害或破坏。例如:

a. The storm damaged the roof of my house. 暴风雨破坏了我家的屋顶。

b. The fire damaged many valuable paintings in the art gallery. 火灾破坏了艺术馆中许多有价值的画作。

2. Hurt:意为伤害、刺痛,强调对某人或某物的负面情绪或生理影响。例如:

a. He felt hurt after being rejected by his girlfriend. 被女友拒绝后,他感到受伤。

b. The fall injured her knees and she was hobbling around for days. 摔伤膝盖后,她几天都在一瘸一拐地走路。

3. Wound:意为创伤、伤害,通常指严重的、持久的伤害或损伤。例如:

a. The bullet from the gunshot wounded his arm. 枪伤使他受了伤。

b. The war left deep wounds in the minds of the victims. 战争给受害者心灵留下了深深的创伤。