


1. Mental health is as important as physical health. (精神健康与身体健康同等重要。)

2. He used to have a lot of mental effort thinking about his future. (他常常为未来而努力思考。)

3. Her mental strength was tested when she faced adversity. (当她面对逆境时,她的意志力受到了考验。)


1. Psychological:这个词通常用来描述与心理过程和情感相关的概念,强调个体对情感和行为的内心体验。

例句:The psychological trauma of the accident left her feeling numb.(事故的心理创伤使她感到麻木。)

2. Intelligent:这个词主要用来描述一个人的思维能力或智力水平,强调理解和解决问题的能力。

例句:He is very intelligent, but sometimes he lacks the mental focus needed to succeed.(他很聪明,但有时他缺乏成功所需的心理专注力。)

3. Cognitive:这个词更强调认知过程,如信息处理、记忆、思考和判断等。

例句:The study focuses on the cognitive processes of how people make decisions.(这项研究着重于人们决策的认知过程。)

4. Emotional:这个词主要用于描述情感或情绪状态,可以与mental一起使用,但通常不会替换mental。

例句:Emotional dysregulation is a common problem in individuals with mental health conditions.(情绪失调是精神健康问题中常见的问题。)


1. Thoughtful:这个词可以用来描述深思熟虑或考虑周到的行为或态度,也可以与mental一起使用。

例句:She is always thoughtful and considersate of others' feelings.(她总是深思熟虑,顾及他人的感受。)

2. Imaginary:这个词主要用来描述想象或虚构的事物,不会直接与mental搭配使用,但在某些情况下,可以用来描述心理上的幻想或想象。

例句:She enjoyed creating imaginary worlds through her writing.(她喜欢通过写作来创造想象中的世界。)