


1. 用法:Precise常用于描述事物的精确度,可以与数字、时间、描述等搭配。

例句:The survey results are precise to within +- 2% of the target figure. (调查结果精确到目标数字的 +/-2%。)

2. 语法:在肯定句中,Precise通常用于描述准确无误的情况。在疑问句中,表示疑问的程度可以降低一些。

例句:Is the report precise to within a few percentage points? (这份报告是否准确到百分之几以内?)


1. Accurate:Accurate和Precise都表示精确的意思,但Accurate更强调细节上的准确无误,而Precise则更强调整体上的严谨性。

例句:The doctor's diagnosis is accurate to the point of identifying the exact cause of the patient's illness. (医生的诊断非常准确,甚至指出了病人疾病的准确原因。)

2. Definite:Definite也有“精确的”之意,但更强调确定性,即事物状态或情况是明确的、无争议的。

例句:The company's financial position is definite, with clear financial statements and projections. (公司的财务状况是明确的,有清晰的财务报表和预测。)

3. Thorough:Thorough也有“严谨的”之意,但更强调全面性和细节性,即做事非常细致、周到。

例句:The scientist conducted his research thoroughly, checking and double-checking every detail. (科学家进行深入研究,对每个细节都反复核对。)


1. The engineer's work is characterized by precision and accuracy, with a meticulous attention to detail.(工程师的工作以精确和准确为特点,对细节有极其严谨的关注。)

2. She spelled the word precisely, without so much as a single error.(她精确地拼写了那个单词,一个错误也没有。)

3. He gave an impeccably precise description of the scene.(他描绘了现场,令人难以置信地精确无误。)
