
释义:n. 方式,态度;举止,风度;[语法] 语气

用法例句:He spoke in a very rude manner.


1. Style - 指人的外表、言行举止的风格或方式,强调外在的表现。

例句:She has a very unique style of speaking.

2. Manner - 指行为、举止、态度的方式或方法,强调内在的礼仪和礼貌。

例句:He spoke in a very polite manner.

3. Way - 指做事或处理问题的方式,也可以用于描述思考问题的方法或角度。

例句:She has a very different way of dealing with problems.

4. Etiquette - 指礼仪、礼节,常用于描述社交场合中的行为规范和方式。

例句:He didn't follow the proper etiquette at the party.


1. In a rude manner - 用粗鲁的方式,强调行为的不礼貌和无礼。

例句:He rudely pushed his way through the crowd.

2. With grace and courtesy - 用优雅和礼貌的方式,强调行为的高贵和有教养。

例句:She spoke with great courtesy to everyone she met.

3. In a calm and composed manner - 用冷静和镇定的方式,强调面对困难或压力时的应对方式。

例句:He remained calm and composed throughout the ordeal.

4. In an informal manner - 以非正式的方式,适用于较随意的场合或与熟人之间的交流。

例句:We talk about personal things in an informal manner.


1. change one's manner - 改变某人的行为方式或态度,表达某人变得更为成熟、理智等。

例句:He suddenly changed his manner after his failure.

2. Keep one's manner open/polite - 表示保持待人接物的谦逊、礼貌态度。

例句:We should keep our manners open and friendly to everyone.

3. Behave oneself - 指遵守规矩、礼貌、秩序等,强调个人的行为表现。

例句:Please behave yourself and don't disturb others.

4. Show good manners - 表示表现出良好的礼仪和礼貌,适用于对别人的赞扬或对自己的要求。

例句:You always show good manners when you visit someone.



1. In addition to manner, ... - 表示除了方式、方法之外,还包括其他因素或方面。例如:In addition to manner, she also had a kind heart.(除了礼貌之外,她还有一颗善良的心。)

2. One's unique manner - 某人的独特行为方式或风格,强调个性和与众不同之处。例如:He has a unique manner of expressing himself.(他有一种独特的表达方式。)

3. Behave oneself properly - 表示在特定场合中,某人能够表现得体、得当。例如:He knows how to behave himself properly in social situations.(他知道如何在社交场合表现得体。)

4. One's natural manner - 某人的自然行为方式或风格,强调个性和天赋的展现。例如:She has always had a natural and confident manner with people.(她一直对人保持自然和自信的态度。)

5. Pay attention to one's manner - 表示要重视自己的行为方式和态度,强调自我修养和素质的提升。例如:We should pay attention to our manner when communicating with others.(在与他人交流时,我们应该注意自己的行为方式。)