


1. He sat in front of the TV, watching a dull game show.(他坐在电视机前,看一个乏味的游戏节目。)

2. The teacher gave a dull lesson, with no interest or excitement.(老师上了一节毫无兴趣和兴奋之处的乏味课。)

3. I'm feeling very dull and unproductive today.(我今天感觉很无聊,没有什么产出。)


1. "Boring" is another word that can be used to describe something dull or uninteresting.(“boring”是另一个可以用来描述某事物乏味或无趣的词。)

2. "Leisurely" and "slow" can be used to describe something that doesn't require a lot of energy or speed, which can also be interpreted as dull.(“leisurely”和“slow”可以用来描述不需要太多能量或速度的事物,也可以被理解为乏味的。)

3. "Indifferent" can be used to describe a lack of interest or enthusiasm for something, which can also be interpreted as dull.(“indifferent”可以用来描述对某事物缺乏兴趣或热情,也可以被理解为乏味的。)
