


1. 规则:

* This is a rule of the classroom: no cell phones during class.(这是教室里的规定:上课期间不得使用手机。)

* The traffic rule says you must stop at red lights.(交通规则规定,遇到红灯必须停车。)

2. 统治:

* He ruled the country with an iron fist.(他以铁腕统治国家。)

* The dictator ruled over his people with complete authority.(独裁者完全掌控人民。)

3. 支配:

* Time rules our lives; we must make the most of it.(时间支配着我们的生活,我们必须充分利用它。)

* Money rules the world, but it's not everything.(金钱支配世界,但它不是一切。)

4. 控制:

* The computer program rules the game by controlling the players' movements.(电脑程序通过控制玩家的动作来控制比赛。)

* The doctor rules the breath by controlling the rate and depth of inhaling and exhaling.(医生通过控制呼吸的频率和深度来调节气息。)


1. Regulation(规章、规定): “Regulation”与“rule”有着相似的含义,它通常是指明文规定的规则和要求。例句:“The school regulation prohibits students from smoking on campus.”(学校规定禁止学生在校园内吸烟。)

2. Govern(统治、治理): “Govern”表示统治或治理某地的权力或能力。例句:“The president has the power to govern the country.”(总统有权力治理国家。)

3. Control(控制): “Control”表示对某事或某物的掌握或管理。例句:“The company controls the production process to ensure quality.”(公司掌控生产过程以确保质量。)

4. Preside(主持): “Preside”通常用于表示担任某个活动的负责人或主导者,可以用于动词或名词形式。例句:“The prime minister presided over the cabinet meeting.”(总理主持内阁会议。)

5. Dominate(支配): “Dominate”表示在某方面具有明显优势或控制力。例句:“The market is dominated by a few large companies.”(市场被几家大公司所支配。)

6. Supervise(监督): “Supervise”表示对某事或某人的监视或指导。例句:“The teacher supervises the students' work to ensure quality.”(老师监督学生们的工作以确保质量。)
