


1. 作为名词使用

例句:The company gave each employee a token of appreciation as a token of its gratitude for their hard work.(公司给每位员工一个作为谢礼的纪念品,以表达对他们的辛勤工作的感激之情。)

2. 作为形容词使用

例句:The audience was given a token applause after each performer's exit to show our appreciation for their effort.(每位演员下场时,观众会得到象征性的掌声,以表达对他们付出的努力表示感激。)


1. symbol(符号)


例句:The flag is a symbol of our country's freedom and independence.(国旗代表我们国家的自由和独立。)

2. proxy(代表)


例句:The mayor was absent from the meeting and sent a proxy to represent him.(市长缺席会议,派代表出席。)

3. evidence(证据)


例句:The witness provided numerous pieces of evidence to support her testimony.(证人提供了许多证据来支持她的证言。)


1. be a mere token of sth. 表示某事物的某种象征意义。例如:A bouquet of flowers sent to her is just a mere token of our gratitude for her unwavering support.(送给她的花束只是我们感激她坚定支持的一种象征。)

2. play/receive a token attack 指代一方做出象征性的攻击或表示,但并未真正发动全面进攻。例如:The enemy only played a token attack before retreating to prepare for the next battle.(敌人只是象征性地发动了一次攻击后就撤退,为下一场战斗做准备。)

3. bear/show tokens of sth. 表示某种迹象或暗示某事物的存在或可能性。例如:The recent rise in sales indicates that the company's recovery is bearing tokens of hope.(销售量的回升表明公司的复苏迹象初现。)

