







My favorite writer is the famous and influential鲁迅, whose works are full of wisdom and courage.鲁迅 is my idol, who represents the epitome of a true hero in my mind.

鲁迅's works not only provide me with an escape into the realm of literature but also offer profound insights into life. His writing is incisive and profound, always hitting the nail on the head with its searing criticism of societal ills, which has given me a deeper understanding of reality. His words are also full of empathy for the weak and a thirst for justice, teaching me what true kindness and righteousness are.

Through鲁迅's works, I have learned that life is not just a game but a battle that requires courage and wisdom. We need to have the ability to think independently, the courage to face reality, and the wisdom to solve problems. At the same time, we need to have a kind heart, to care for others and to help them.

In his works, I feel鲁迅's teachings are not just about writing but also about mentoring and friendship. His words have given me strength and courage, making me understand the true meaning and value of life. I believe that in the future, I will continue to benefit from鲁迅's wisdom and courage, moving forward and growing stronger with each passing day.