节约用水英语作文 篇一

Water is the source of life, and we should conserve water. There are many ways to conserve water in daily life, such as using water from rice washing water to water flowers, using cooking water to flush the toilet, using fish-keeping water to water flowers, and so on. These methods not only conserve water resources, but also make our homeland better.


In our school, there are also many places to conserve water. For example, when washing hands, don't use too much water, and don't wash laundry with a hose directly under the faucet. However, some people don't think these things are significant and won't cause much waste of water resources. But that's not true. If each of us does this, if we all save a drop of water every day, it will equal saving 1.3 billion drops of water! That's an astonishing number!


So, let's start from now, from ourselves, and do small things to cherish water resources! Let's work together to protect our beautiful homeland!







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