家乡的端午节英语作文范文 篇一

The Dragon Boat Festival is one of the most important traditional festivals in my hometown, and it is also a festival rich in cultural significance. During this festival, people engage in various traditional activities such as making zongzi (sticky rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves), dragon boat races, hanging mugwort leaves, and drinking realgar wine.


On the day before the Dragon Boat Festival, every household starts to get busy, preparing various ingredients and materials. Zongzi is a must-eat traditional delicacy during the festival. It is made by mixing glutinous rice with various ingredients such as mung beans, red beans, and dates. In addition, other traditional foods like eggs, duck eggs, and steamed buns are also prepared.


On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, people wake up early and go to the riverside to watch dragon boat races. This is one of the liveliest activities in my hometown and a favorite among young people. Before the races begin, people dress up in colorful clothes, wear hats and sunglasses, and gather by the river to watch the races. After the races, people celebrate together, taste delicious food, and immerse themselves in the festive atmosphere.


In addition to dragon boat races, there are other traditional activities during the Dragon Boat Festival in my hometown, such as hanging mugwort leaves and drinking realgar wine. Mugwort leaves are plants with a special fragrance, and people hang them in their homes to drive away mosquitoes and bacteria. Realgar wine is a type of wine made from powdered realgar, which is believed to ward off evil spirits.


In conclusion, the Dragon Boat Festival in my hometown is a festival full of cultural atmosphere and traditional customs. It is also a warm and joyful festival that brings people together.











家乡的端午节英语作文范文5篇  打包下载地址



