我的小伙伴英语作文 篇一

She is a cheerful and understanding friend. She is Xiao Min.


"Ding Ling Ling -" As the school bell rang, classmates walked into the classroom one after another. The teacher announced that Xiao Min and I would be sitting together. Xiao Min has a head of shiny black short hair, a pair of watery big eyes that sparkle like black diamonds, and a cherry-like small mouth that can talk.


Xiao Min is very enthusiastic. I remember one time when I was thirsty but forgot to bring my water bottle. My throat was so dry that smoke seemed to be coming out. Seeing me like this, she generously offered me her water to drink, making me feel the refreshing dew of friendship moistening my heart.


Xiao Min is very understanding. One time, I did poorly on a test and felt very down. I was moping around by myself. Xiao Min came over, gently stroked my head, and said, "Don't be sad. Failure is the mother of success. Let's work hard together!" After hearing her words, my mood suddenly brightened.


Xiao Min is very helpful. One time, I was stuck on a problem and was anxiously running around like an ant on a hot pan. Xiao Min walked over, looked at my question, and patiently explained it to me until I understood.


This is my little buddy - Xiao Min. A considerate and helpful companion! I am proud and proud to have such a good friend!
















