难忘的暑假生活英语作文范文 篇一

I had a fulfilling and joyful summer vacation this year. As soon as the summer vacation started, my mom arranged a series of activities for me, and I had a happy day every day. The most memorable activities for me were swimming and traveling.


I learned to swim at the school gymnasium, where the swimming coach was very strict. First, I had to master the correct learning steps, and then I had to practice repeatedly to consolidate my skills. I remember one time when I first got into the water, I felt very nervous, but I gradually got used to it. When practicing in the water, sometimes my swimming steps were wrong, and the coach would criticize me harshly. I really hated him at that time. However, when I was swimming freely in the water, overcoming my fear, I felt grateful for the coach's harsh words. After all, one cannot gain wisdom without making mistakes. So, throughout the summer vacation, although the process was tough, I persisted in practicing swimming every day. Through my efforts, I actually learned breaststroke and freestyle. This summer, I finally overcame my fear and challenged myself. I believe it was all worth it.


In addition, my family and I also had an unforgettable trip during the summer vacation - a trip to Yunnan. Yunnan is a place with beautiful scenery and rich ethnic customs. We visited many famous attractions such as the ancient city of Lijiang, the Three Pagodas in Dali, and Erhai Lake. Everything there was so overwhelming. My favorite part was the magical and enchanting bonfire party. When all the singing and dancing reached its climax, a blazing bonfire illuminated the entire stage. Several men and women dressed in ethnic costumes sang and danced around the bonfire, creating a lively atmosphere. All the audience joined them in singing and dancing, and it felt like we were completely immersed in their world. That night, I fell deeply in love with Yunnan and the people there.


I had a very fulfilling and joyful summer vacation, with many unforgettable moments that I will cherish. I will treasure these memories and strive to study hard for a better tomorrow!












