我最敬佩的人英语作文 篇一

In our lives, there are many people who are worthy of our respect. They may be hardworking teachers, selfless volunteers, or brave firefighters. But the person I most respect is a daily commuter I see on my way to school, a street sweeper.


Every morning, when the first ray of sunlight falls on the earth, this street sweeper has already started working. He wears an orange work uniform, and with gloves on his hands and a broom in his hand, he carefully cleans the streets. The street he sweeps is so clean that hardly any litter can be found. Even on rainy days, he perseveres in his work, creating a clean and comfortable environment for people.


I respect him because of his diligence and seriousness. He cleans the streets every day, no matter how windy or rainy it is, and he always persists in his work. His work attitude makes me feel very respectful because he embodies what responsibility and responsibility are through his actions.


What I also admire about him is his kindness and selflessness. He never complains about the hardships of his job, nor does he ask for any remuneration. He just quietly devotes himself to creating a clean and comfortable environment for people. This spirit of selfless dedication moves and impresses me greatly.


Although this street sweeper is an ordinary person, his spirit makes me feel very respectful. His diligence, seriousness, kindness, and selflessness all make me feel very moved and admiration. I hope to be able to become someone like him, making a contribution to society.


Overall, the person I most respect is this daily silent contributor. His qualities make me feel very respectful, and it also helps me understand what responsibility and responsibility are. I hope to be able to be like him, making a contribution to society.













我最敬佩的人英语作文5篇  打包下载地址



