快乐暑假英语作文 篇一

"Great, it's summer vacation!" With a cheer, the summer vacation arrived. I was as happy as a bird flying out of a cage, leaving school behind.


Every morning, my mom would assign me homework. I could now have control over my own time. In the first two days of the vacation, I would finish my homework and then play. But in the following days, my mom asked me to study English, practice calligraphy, and do math problems. I was really annoyed!


One day, my mom had something to do and said to me, "You have to finish your homework by 5 o'clock in the afternoon, otherwise you can't watch TV." When I heard this, I was overjoyed. After my mom left, I watched TV and ate snacks. By 6 o'clock in the afternoon, I still hadn't started on my homework! I thought to myself: Well, my mom is not home anyway, I can write it later.


At 7 o'clock in the evening, I suddenly remembered: Oh no, I haven't done my homework yet! I thought about calling my mom and telling her that I hadn't done my homework. But I was afraid of what my mom would say. After some inner struggle, I mustered up the courage to call my mom. I thought my mom would get angry and scold me, but to my surprise, she gently said, "Sweetheart, it's okay, actually I can let you skip your homework. But learning is your own responsibility, you have to be self-disciplined to gain knowledge!" After hearing my mom's words, I felt ashamed and lowered my head.


Although I didn't have a great time playing during this summer vacation, I learned a lot. I had a happy summer vacation!














