我的暑假生活英语作文范文 篇一

As the sound of cicadas grew louder, the long-awaited summer vacation finally arrived. This summer, instead of choosing to travel, I decided to stay at home and study.


Every morning, I would wake up on time and after having breakfast, I would start my day's study plan. Firstly, I would complete the assignments given by my teachers, which included reading and writing in Chinese, practicing math problems, and memorizing English vocabulary. After completing these tasks, I would do some physical exercises with my mom, such as skipping rope and running.


Besides studying, I also utilized the summer break to learn new skills. I enrolled in a programming course, and through learning programming, I not only improved my logical thinking abilities but also acquired a new skill. During this process, I encountered many difficulties, but whenever I felt like giving up, I would remind myself of my goals and not easily give in.


Towards the end of the summer vacation, I also participated in community activities and volunteered. These activities allowed me to experience the joy of helping others and made me appreciate my own life even more.


Looking back on this summer vacation, I gained a lot. Not only did I improve my academic performance, but I also acquired a new skill and learned how to help others. I believe these experiences will become valuable assets on my path to future growth.


Overall, this summer vacation was a fulfilling and meaningful period for me. I learned how to balance studying and leisure activities, as well as how to face difficulties and challenges. I will always cherish this summer vacation in my memory.













我的暑假生活英语作文范文五篇  打包下载地址



