描写植物的英语作文 篇一

In our campus, there is a small garden surrounded by green vegetation. Among them, the most eye-catching is the patch of sunflowers.


Under the early summer sun, the sunflowers are like a group of energetic children, facing the direction of the sun, holding their heads high and facing the light. Their stems are sturdy, leaves are large, and they are green like jade. And those golden flowers, like the sun, are brilliant, as if smiling towards the sun tirelessly.


In the morning, when the first ray of sunlight falls on the sunflowers, they start a new day. At noon, when the sun is at its strongest, they still stand tall, without any retreat. In the evening, as the sun sets, the sunflowers slowly lower their heads, as if reminding themselves to cherish time and seize every day.


These sunflowers are not only beautiful scenery, but also examples for us to learn from. They are full of vitality and energy at all times and in all places. Regardless of the environment, they can bloom their own beauty. Just like us, no matter what difficulties and setbacks we encounter, we should hold our heads high like sunflowers, face the light, and move forward bravely.


Looking at the sunflowers in the small garden, I deeply feel that they are not just plants, but also a spirit, a spirit of perseverance and positivity. We should learn from them, let this spirit accompany us as we grow, and inspire us to constantly move forward.














