夏天来了英语作文 篇一

In the scorching summer, even dragonflies dare not fly far from the shade of trees, as if afraid of the sun damaging their wings.


There is not a single cloud in the sky, not a trace of wind, and above our heads, a scorching sun. All the trees stand there listlessly, lazily.


In the peak of July, the sky is a deep blue without a single cloud, and the hot sun scorches the earth. The water in the river is too hot to touch, and the soil on the ground emits smoke.


Under the blazing sun, the mature grains bend down due to the heat, lowering their heads. Grasshoppers are as abundant as leaves, making faint and noisy chirping sounds in the wheat and rye fields, and in the reed thickets by the riverbank.


The sun is like a huge fireball, its rays scorching, and the road is so hot that stepping on it produces trails of white smoke.


The weather is stiflingly hot, without a trace of wind. The dense air seems to have solidified. The entire city feels like a burning brick kiln, making it hard to breathe. Dogs lie on the ground, panting with their bright red tongues sticking out, and the nostrils of mules and horses open wide.


The color of summer is golden yellow. The sun is golden yellow, and the rice fields are golden yellow. The golden yellow sun shines on the golden yellow rice fields, a color that no one can deny. Summer has arrived.


With the arrival of summer, everything becomes vibrant. With the arrival of summer, the air becomes hot. With the arrival of summer, the scorching sun heats up the earth; a gust of south wind blows, stirring up waves of heat from the ground, making people feel suffocated; even the weeds bow their heads in contemplation; dogs stop barking and stand by the roadside with their long ears. Even the cicadas on the trees cannot bear the loneliness and start singing loudly!


Let us eagerly await the arrival of summer with joy in our hearts!






















