暑假趣事英语作文范文及格式 篇一

Summer vacation is the bestest time of the whole year! It's the time when you can finally relax and have fun after a whole year of studying hard. And let me tell you, I had the most funniest summer vacation ever!


Firstly, my family and me went to the beach. We played in the sand, built the biggest sandcastle ever, and even had a sand fight! It was so much fun seeing my dad covered in sand from head to toe. He looked like a walking sand monster!


Then, we went to an amusement park. I went on all the rides, even the scariest ones! My tummy felt like it was on a roller coaster too, but I didn't care. I screamed and laughed so much that I think I scared away all the birds in the park!


After that, we went camping in the woods. We roasted marshmallows over the campfire and told silly stories. My little brother tried to scare us with his ghost story, but he ended up scaring himself instead! We laughed so hard that we woke up all the animals in the forest!


Lastly, we had a water balloon fight in our backyard. We were running and dodging and throwing balloons everywhere. I got soaked from head to toe, but it was totally worth it. My sister got me right in the face with a balloon, and I looked like a wet puppy!


All in all, my summer vacation was the funniest ever! I laughed so much that my tummy hurt. I can't wait for next summer to have even more hilarious adventures!
















