初中生我的暑假生活英语作文 篇一

My summer vacation life was super duper fun! I went to the beach with my family and we had a blast. We built sand castles, swam in the ocean, and ate ice cream every day. It was like a dream come true!


One day, we decided to go on a boat ride. I was so excited! But, uh-oh, I forgot my swimsuit at the hotel. What a silly mistake! So, I had to wear my dad's oversized t-shirt as a swimsuit. I looked like a giant walking popsicle! Everyone on the boat was staring at me, but hey, at least I didn't get sunburned!


Speaking of sunburn, my mom forgot to put sunscreen on her back. She turned into a lobster! We had to cover her in aloe vera gel and she smelled like a salad. It was hilarious! We even took pictures and made a funny video. My mom is a good sport, she laughed along with us.


At the beach, we played beach volleyball. I am not very good at it, but it was so much fun! I kept missing the ball and hitting it in the wrong direction. My dad even had to chase after the ball a few times because I sent it flying into the ocean. Oops!


In the evenings, we went for long walks on the beach. We collected seashells and made necklaces out of them. I made one for my best friend and it turned out really cool. She loved it! I felt like a famous fashion designer.


Overall, my summer vacation life was a blast! I had so much fun with my family, even though we had some silly mishaps. I will cherish these memories forever. Can't wait for the next summer adventure!
















