初中生万圣节英语作文 篇一

Halloween is a spooktacular time of year, especially for us middle school students. It's a chance to dress up in outrageous costumes and scare the socks off our friends and teachers. But let's not forget the most important part of Halloween - the candy! Oh, the sweet, sugary goodness that fills our trick-or-treat bags. It's like a dream come true!


Now, I know what you're thinking. "But what about the creepy decorations and haunted houses?" Well, let me tell you, my friend. Middle school is already scary enough without adding ghosts and goblins into the mix. We've got enough drama and awkwardness to last a lifetime!


But back to the candy. Halloween is the one night of the year where we can eat as much candy as we want without feeling guilty. It's like a sugar overload extravaganza! And let's not forget about the candy trades that happen in the hallways the day after Halloween. Snickers for a Kit Kat? Yes, please!


Of course, Halloween wouldn't be complete without a good old-fashioned costume contest. Who can forget the time Billy dressed up as a giant toilet? Or when Sarah went as a walking, talking slice of pizza? The creativity of middle schoolers knows no bounds.


So, my fellow middle schoolers, let's embrace the silliness and spookiness of Halloween. Let's eat candy until our stomachs ache and scare each other with our outrageous costumes. After all, we're only young once, so we might as well make the most of it. Happy Halloween, everyone!






但是回到糖果的话题。万圣节是一年中的那个晚上,我们可以毫无负罪感地吃尽可能多的糖果。这就像一个糖分过量的盛宴!还有不要忘了在万圣节后的走廊里发生的糖果交易。想要用士力架换来一根Kit Kat?当然可以!





初中生万圣节英语作文十篇  打包下载地址



