有关压岁钱的英语作文 篇一

Chinese New Year is a time of great joy and celebration. One of the best things about this festive season is receiving red envelopes. Let me tell you, these little red packets bring so much happiness and excitement, it's like winning the lottery!


Every Chinese New Year, my family gathers together to celebrate. The highlight of the day is when the elders hand out red envelopes to the younger ones. As a kid, I used to be so thrilled about this tradition. I would eagerly wait for my turn to receive those lucky red packets.


The red envelopes are not just any ordinary envelopes. They are bright red, symbolizing good luck and fortune. Inside, you can find money, which is even more exciting! I remember one year, I received a red envelope with a 10-dollar bill inside. I felt like I was the richest kid in the world! I couldn't wait to show off my newfound wealth to my friends.


But let me tell you, receiving red envelopes is not as easy as it sounds. There is a certain art to it. You have to be polite and respectful when accepting the envelope. You must also say thank you and wish the giver good luck and happiness. It's like a secret code of manners that all kids must follow.


As I grew older, the amount of money in the red envelopes increased. I guess that's because I became more responsible and trustworthy. Or maybe it's just because I got taller and my relatives thought I needed more money to buy clothes that fit me!


Receiving red envelopes during Chinese New Year is a tradition that brings so much joy and laughter to my family. It's like a little treasure hunt, where you never know how much money you will find. So, if you ever get the chance to experience this tradition, make sure you do it with a big smile and a grateful heart. Who knows, you might just get lucky and find a red envelope with a hundred-dollar bill inside!
















