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英语  试题卷






1. What does Cindy want to be?



2. Which gift does David get?



3. What did Peter's mom ask him to do?



4. Who has ever been to Disneyland?



5. Where was the woman at 7 : 00 yesterday morning?






6. What did the two speakers do just now?

    A. Went hiking.            B. Went bike riding.         C. Went swimming.

7. What does the man want to drink?

    A. Coke.                 B. Orange juice.             C. Milk.



8. When is Sam’s party?

    A. On Friday.              B. On Saturday.             C. On Sunday.

 9. What is Laura going to do before the party?

    A. To have a piano lesson.  B. To visit her uncle.        C. To go to the dentist.

10. What's the relationship(关系)between the two speakers?

    A. Husband and wife.     B. Classmates.              C. Mother and son.


                    Robot Asimo

It is from ___11___.

It has visited about     12     cities in China.

It can teach students   13___

It has     14     in its head.

      15   can meet Asimo.

11. A. Japan              B. the USA               C. the UK

12. A. 5                  B. 6                     C. 7                                                                      13. A. art                B. math                   C. science

14. A. camera eyes        B. lights                   C. CDs

15. A. Soccer fans        B. Asimo’s fans              C. Music fans




George lived with his sick mother in a poor village.

    One bright sunny   26   in July, he went early to the forest two miles away. He was asked to   27   some wood from under the trees. After working hard for half a day, he looked around for a   28   place to rest and eat his lunch. Suddenly some fine red wild   29   caught his eyes.

    "How good these will be with my bread and butter!" thought George. He at once began to   30   all the strawberries he could find and sat down by the river, ready to enjoy them.

    Then just as he was lifting the   31    strawberry to his mouth, he thought of his mother. "Shall I   32   them for her?" said he, thinking how much they would make    33   happy, yet still looking at them with longing (渴望的)eyes.

    "I will eat half, and take the other half to her," said he. Then he divided the strawberries into two.    34   he found each half looked so small that he put them together again.

    "I will only taste one." Then seeing that he had taken the biggest, he put it back. Finally he 35   them carefully with some leaves, deciding to keep them all   36   his mother.

    When the sun was beginning to go down, George went home.   37   happy he felt that he had all his strawberries for his sick mother. The  38  he came to his home, the less he wished to taste them. As soon as he arrived, he ran to his   39   and happily offered his wild strawberries. Tears in eyes, she put her hand on his head and said   40  , "And you kept them for your sick mother, did you? God will bless you for all this, my child. "

   Could the eating of the strawberries have given George half the happiness he felt at this moment?

16. A. morning           B. noon                C. afternoon              D. night

17. A. set up             B. pick up              C. put up                 D. give up

18. A. hot               B. dark                 C. cool                  D. noisy

19. A. apples            B. strawberries           C. pears                 D. peaches

20. A. buy              B. grow                 C. make                 D. collect

21. A. first              B. last                  C. other                 D. next

22. A. cut              B. peel                  C. sell                   D. keep

23. A. him             B. them                  C. her                   D. it

24. A. But              B. So                    C. If                   D. Or

25. A. showed           B. locked                C. covered               D. washed

26. A. to                B. from                 C. for                   D. on

27. A. What             B. How                 C. Why                  D. Whether

28. A. nearer            B. farther                C. longer                 D. later

29. A. father             B. sister                 C. friend                 D. mother

30. A. angrily            B. lovingly               C. worriedly             D. politely







31. The International Pillow Fight Day was first celebrated in _______.

A.2000            B.2008             C.2013           D.2014

32. You may read about ______________ on the Page 19.

A. Baby Crying Day                B. Color Throwing Festival
C. Water Fighting Day             D. World Bodypainting Festival



Roald Dahl was one of the most successful writers of children’s books. He sold millions of books all over the world. Many of his books have been made into films and videos. He is so famous that there is even a Roald Dahl Museum you can visit.

 Roald Dahl was born in 1916 in Wales, Britain. His father was rich but he died when Roald was very young. Roald and his mother lived a hard life. He had to leave school and went to Africa where he worked for an oil company.

 In 1939 Roald became a pilot, but he had a bad accident. It made him limp(瘸的) for the rest of his life. After this, Roald went to America where he wrote a story about his experience as a pilot. It was so good that it was put in a magazine.

 Roald married an American film star. They bought a house in England and had five children. From 1960 to 1965, : Theo, one of his children, was hit by a taxi and was seriously hurt. Olivia, one of Roald’s daughters, died of a strange illness. Soon after this, his wife also had a serious illness. It took her years to get completely better.

  Gradually Roald became more and more successful. He always did his writing in an old shed(棚) at the back of his house. He always sat in the same old armchair with a wooden board on his lap.

 “One of the nice things about being a writer,” he once said, “is that all you need is what you’ve got in your head and a pencil and a bit of paper.”

 In 1983 Roald won a big prize for his book The BFG. During his life, Roald wrote many famous books, such as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Matilda, Fantastic Mr. Fox.

 After he died in 1990, Roald left money to help people with serious illnesses and those with problems with reading and writing.

33. Roald Dahl was famous as a (an)__________ ___.

A. doctor       B. teacher       C. actor          D. writer

34. Which of the following is the best for the blank in Paragraph 4 ____________.

A. they lived a happy life               B. three terrible things happened

C. he went on writing books             D. he created some unlucky characters


Mickey Mouse’s ears are well known all over the world, and this year will be an especially fun one for Disney. The company is celebrating 60 years since its first theme park, Disneyland, opened in California, US in 1955.

Disney has opened many more parks all over the world since it made history in California. Shanghai Disneyland is expected to open in 2016, bringing Disney’s popular parks here to the Chinese mainland for the first time.

So why has Disneyland been so popular for 60 years? Well, it’s described as “the Happiest Place on Earth” and “a place for the young and young at heart”. Many Americans have grown up with the parks, as ex—Disneyland president Paul Pressler said in 1995: “There is an emotional relationship that people have with this park.”

Disneyland was one of the first theme parks anywhere in the world that had “lands” and rides with themes. Disney’s storytelling in rides like roller coasters(过山车) is a big reason for their parks’ success. “We tell a story in everything we do,” Pressler said. Disney rides such as The seven Dwarves Mine Train and Peter Pan’s Flight come from its movies. One ride from its 2013 hit movie Frozen will surely be coming soon, perhaps at the new Shanghai Disneyland.

    Disney’s parks haven’t always been popular everywhere, however. When Disneyland Paris opened in 1992, some French people felt that American culture was invading(入侵)France. But still, the park stayed open and today it is a popular place for European visitors.

    Whatever you may think of them, you can’t say that on their 60th birthday, Disney’s parks aren’t still going strong. How many Disney theme parks will you have visited by the time their 70th birthday comes around?

35. This year will be especially fun for Disney because____.

A. it is going to celebrate its 60th birthday 
B. it’s described as “the Happiest Place on Earth”
C. Americans have a special relationship with Disneyland
D. Mickey Mouse’s ears are well known all over the world

36. The underlined expression “Young at heart” in Paragraph 3 refers to ____.

A. young people                 B. people with young hearts 
C. American people only         D. Disneyland president

37. Which of the following is TRUE about Disneyland?

    A. Disneyland has been built in US only.
B. Shanghai Disneyland has been opened.
C. People still don’t like Disneyland Paris.
D. Disney’s storytelling in rides helps it succeed.



   What is the first thing you want to do when you see someone yawn(打哈欠)? You want to yawn, too! Yawning is contagious.

    Scientists have found that all people yawn. Babies start to yawn even before they are born. The earliest yawn takes place when a baby is still inside its mother. When young children are about one year old, they start to yawn when they see others yawning. That's why scientists seem to think yawning is contagious.

    It’s no secret that yawning is contagious, but why do we yawn? Well, scientists are not really sure.

    Some think we yawn because we feel bored. Recently scientists studied two groups of students between the ages of 17 and 19. One group watched music videos, and the other watched a boring color test. Scientists compared the numbers of their yawns and found that the color test group yawned more times than the video group.

    Another reason about yawning has to do with breathing. Some scientists believe that when we are bored or tired, we breathe more slowly. As our breathing slows down, we cannot get rid of(去除) enough carbon dioxide (CO2) in our bodies. When there is too much carbon dioxide, our bodies will tell the brains (大脑) to breathe deeply. The result is a big yawn.                                                            

    In 2007, scientists suggested a new reason. They said that the reason people yawned was to cool down their brains. These scientists found that people who were warmer than others yawned more often.

    Scientists are still trying to find out why yawning happens and why it is so contagious. But they are only sure that when one person yawns, almost everyone else nearby wants to yawn, too.

38.  According to the scientists, people start to yawn when they are       .

      A. born                                B. inside their mothers

      C. 17 or 19 years old                     D. one year old

39. Which of the following are the possible reasons about yawning according to the passage?

     1 People yawn because they are bored.    2 People yawn to catch others' attention.

     3 People yawn to cool down their brains.  4 People yawn to get rid of carbon dioxide.

     A. 1 2 3      B. 23 4        C. 124        D. 1 34

40. We can probably read this passage in a _      _.

     A. story book                                B. travel guidebook

     C. science magazine                           D. movie poster    


四、词汇运用 (本题有15个小题,每小题1分;共计15分)

A. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。每词仅用一次,每空一词。

abroad  agree   success  below   lay

41. We had reached an____________ on this problem.

42. The temperature in Harbin is very low in winter, usually ______________zero.

43. Today some students choose to study ____________ for further education.

44. My father prepared the food and _______________ the table yesterday evening.

45.He worked hard and _______________in getting the job in the company.


B 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。

Dear Future Me,

You are leaving school and stepping into a new world. Well done for completing all ___46___ (那些) difficult lessons! 

 You've just found out that you've __47__ (通过) all your exams and done your best. You know you'll be able to ___48___ (进入) the fantastic high school. At this moment you must be___49___ (骄傲的) of yourself.

I'm writing this letter to remind you ___50___ (再一次) about all the things you wanted to do when you were in the___51___ (第七) grade. I want you to make sure that before you leave school you'll realise your ___52___ (梦想) as footballer of the School. Remember that you wanted to be a famous ___ 53__ (歌手)? Well, I hope you'll win the top role in the school talent show this year.

If you've done___54 ___ (每件事) you wanted to do, you'll now be a popular and___55___ (聪明的) student, with a successful future ahead of you.

Don't let me down!

Yours sincerely,




Children today have many things to play with. They can watch television, surf ___56___ Internet, or play video games. But what do you think children ___57___ (do) for fun long ago? They read books.