

你们好,[今天由于( ), 造成了本次航班的延误,耽误了您的行程,为此我们向您表示歉意.]现在飞机舱门已经关闭,即将开始我们的空中之旅,为了避免影响通讯导航系统请关闭您的手机电源。在这里我们温馨提示您,请保管好随身携带的现金和贵重物品,下机前注意检查您的行李物品,防止有遗忘、丢失、错拿等情况。如有任何问题请与乘务员联系。

Ladies and Gentlemen::

[Delay: We apologize for the delay due to ( )] 1. the aircraft’s late arrival / 2. Bad weather conditions / 3. military reasons / 4 .congested air traffic / 5. airport congestion / 6. mechanical trouble / 7. Navigation equipment fault / 8. late passengers / 9. cargo loading / 10. thunder storms / 11. heavy fog / 12. heavy snow / 13. aircraft deicing.

Welcome aboard China Express Airlines. The cabin door has been closed. To avoid interference with the navigation system, please turn off your mobile phone. We would like to remind you please take care of your cash and valuables. Check your luggage before get off the airplane in case you forget, lose or take the wrong luggage. If you have any problems, please contact us. We wish you a pleasant journey!


女士们,先生们(ladies and gentlemen):

现在,我们的乘务员将为您介绍机上的应急设备以及它们的试用方法(New,our flight attendant will show you how to use the emergency equipments.)


Your oxygen mask is stored in the compartment above it will down automatically in case of emergency, pull it over your mouth and nose, slip the elastic band over your head. Then breath normally.


Each seat has the seatbelt that must be fastened while you are seated. Please keep your seatbelt securely fastened for the whole flight. If needed, you

may unbuckle the seatbelt by pulling the flap forward.

Whole flight. If needed, you may unbuckle the whole flight. If needed, you may unbuckle the seatbelt by pulling the flap forward.


There are four emergency exits on this aircraft, two in the front and two in the middle. Please follow the flight attendants command when it emergency exits, normally, it is prohibited to pull the handle on the emergency exits. The lights located on the floor will guide you to the exits if an emergency arises. For further information, please refer to the safety instruction card in the seat pocket in front of you.


Thank you for your attention!


Ladies and gentlemen:

In preparation for departure, please fasten your seat belt. Place your seat back in the upright position. Fold your tray table and open the window shade. Please keep your mobile phone off during flight including in-flight mode. This is a non-smoking flight, please do not smoke on board.

Thank you for your cooperation.




Secure broadcast

Ladies and Gentlemen:

We will be taking off shortly. Please make sure that your seat belt is securely fastened, and your mobile phone is turned off.

Thank you!



现在为您预报航班到达时间,由___至___的飞行时间为___分钟,我们预计到达___的时间为___, 谢谢!

Ladies and Gentlemen::

This flight takes about___ minutes, we are expected to arrive at our destination at___. Thank you!




Ladies and Gentlemen:

We will be landing at ___ Airport, according to the latest weather report, the temperature is ___.

Thank you!




20 minutes before landing

Ladies and Gentlemen:

We will be landing at our destination in about 20 minutes. We are descending now. please make sure your seat belt is securely fastened and bring your seat back and tray table to the upright position. Also make sure your window shade is open. The lavatory is unavailable during descent. For your safety, all electronic devices, such as mobile phones and portable computers, should be turned off at this time.

Thank you!




Secure broadcast

Ladies and Gentlemen:

We will be landing shortly. Please make sure that your seat belt is securely fastened and your mobile phone is turned off.

Thank you!









Ladies and Gentlemen:

Welcome to ___. Our aircraft is still on an active runway. For your safety, please keep your mobile phones turned off and remain seated until the airplane has come to a complete stop. Please be sure to take all of your belongings when you disembark. Your checked baggage may be claimed in the terminal building.

[Transit passengers: (passengers continuing to ___ are requested to stay in your seats until we have further information.)]

[Delay: We apologize for the delay due to ( )] 1. The aircraft’s late arrival / 2. Bad Weather Conditions / 3. Military reasons / 4 .congested air traffic / 5. Airport congestion / 6. Mechanical trouble / 7. Navigation equipment fault / 8. Late passengers / 9. Cargo loading / 10. Thunder storms / 11. Heavy fog / 12. heavy snow / 13. Aircraft deicing.

We thank you for flying China Express airlines, and we hope to have the opportunity to serve you again.

Thank you and good-bye!





Ladies and Gentlemen:

To ensure you can have a good rest, we will turn the cabin lights down, and youmay switch on the lights above you for reading. Please keep the seat belt

fastened as a precaution against sudden turbulence. If there is anything we cando for you, please let us know.

Thank you!



我们的飞机受气流影响 / 在起飞(下降)过程中穿越云层 / 受大风影响遇有轻度颠簸,请您不要担心,在座位上坐好并系好安全带,使用洗手间的旅客请您扶好固定手柄.带有小孩的旅客请照看好您的孩子.


Ladies and Gentlemen:

Our aircraft is experiencing some slight turbulence. There is nothing to worry.Be seated and fasten you seat belt. Passengers with children please look after you children.

Please be careful if you are taking meals now.

Thank you!


我们的飞机受气流影响/在起飞(下降)过程中穿越云层/受大风影响遇有中度颠簸,请不必担心,在座位坐好并系好安全带,不要在客舱中站立或走动,洗手间停止使用,我们将暂停服务工作,带有小孩的旅客请照看好您的孩子。 待飞机平稳后我们将继续为您提供服务。给您带来的不便敬请谅解。


Ladies and Gentlemen:

Our aircraft is experiencing some moderate turbulence. Don’t worry. Please do not walk around in the cabin, be seated and fasten you seatbelt.

Passengers with children please look after you children. Lavatory use is prohibited at thismoment. We regret that we are unable to serve you at this time. We are sorryfor these troubles.

Thank you!




Ladies and Gentlemen:

Our aircraft is experiencing some heavy turbulence. Do not be

alarmed. Please be seated and make sure your seatbelt is securely fastened.

Passengers with children please take care of them. Those not seated please be

seated as soon as possible.

We regret that we are unable to serve you at this time.

Thank you.



Ladies and Gentlemen:

We are currently experiencing (slight/moderate/heavy) turbulence. Pleasereturn to your seat and fasten your seat belt. The lavatory may not be used at

this time. Thank you!




Ladies and Gentlemen:

Passengers continuing on ___ are requested to remain on board. We will be taking offshortly. Please remain seated and refrain form smoking. If there is anything wecan do for you, please let us know.

Thank you for your cooperation!