1. 除夕: New Year's Eve

贴春联:put up Spring Festival couplets

吃年夜饭:have New Year's Eve dinner

守岁:stay up late or all night on New Year's Eve

压岁钱:lucky money

放鞭炮:set off firecrackers

2. 春节: Spring Festival

拜年:pay a New Year call

红包:red packet/ envelope

3. 元宵节: Lantern Festival

吃元宵、汤圆:have sweet dumplings

赏花灯:enjoy beautiful lanterns

猜灯谜:guess lantern riddles

4. 清明节: Qingming Festival/ Tomb-Sweeping Day


踏青、春游:have a spring outing

5. 劳动节 Labor Day/ International Workers' Day/ May Day

集会:have an assembly

游行:have a parade

6. 端午节: Dragon Boat Festival

吃粽子:eat rice dumplings/ eat zongzi

赛龙舟:dragon-boat racing

7. 七夕节: Double Seventh Festival

拜七姐:worship seven sister

8. 中秋节: Mid-Autumn Festival

吃月饼:have moon cakes

赏月:admire the full moon

9. 国庆节: National Day

国庆阅兵:the National Day parade

10. 重阳节: Double Ninth Festival

登山赏菊:climb a mountain to appreciate chrysanthemums

11. 元旦节: New Year's Day

元旦晚会:New Year's day party
