一、关于have been to的用法

1. 后接地点名词,表示曾经去过某地,但现在不在那儿。如:

Have you ever been to Greece ? 你去过希腊吗?

The Smiths have gone to Canada for a holiday. 史密斯全家都到加拿大度假去了。

若其后接表示地点的副词(如here, there, home等),则省略其中的介词to。如:

I have been there only once this year. 我今年只去过那儿一次。

Tom hasn’t been home since he was a boy. 汤姆从小离家就没回去过。

I’ve never been here before. I didn’t know about the tides. 我以前从来没来过这里。我不了解潮水的情况。

2. 后接活动名词,表示曾经参加过某活动。如:

She’s just been to a party. 她刚参加一个晚会回来。

3. 后接动词原形(尤其是动词see, read等),表示去做过某事。如:

He has never been to see me since I have been ill. 我生病以来他从未来看过我。

Has the man been to read the gas meter? 那人去查过煤气表了吗?

I’ve just been to see an old friend that I’m not sure when I’m going to see again. 我刚才去看望了一位老朋友,我不敢肯定什么时候会再见到他。

二、关于have gone to

1. 后接地点名词,表示到某地去了,现在不在说话处。如:

“Where’s Jenny?” “She’s gone to the butcher’s.” “詹妮在哪儿?”“她去肉店了。”

My father has gone to Nanjing on business. 我爸爸因公到南京去了。

He’s gone to the fourth floor and now he’s on the fourth floor. 他到五层楼去了,现在他在五层楼上。

若其后接表示地点的副词(如there, home等),则省略其中的介词to。如:

Everybody has gone home. 人人都回家去了。

2. 后接活动名词,表示去参加过某活动了,现在不在说话处。如:

Everybody else but me has gone to the party. 除了我别人全都参加那个晚会去了。

Is your brother in or has he gone to the match? 你弟弟是在家还是看球赛去了?

3. 后接动词原形,表示去做某事了。如:

He’s gone to collect his daughter. 他去接女儿了。

The children have gone to play in the park. 孩子们到公园玩耍去了。

Mr and Mrs Kay have gone to live in the country. 凯先生夫妇已经搬到农村去住了。


1. have been to可以与表示次数的once, twice, three times等连用,注意此时不能用have gone to。如:

She has been to  Europe  twice. 她到欧洲去过两次。

2. have gone to有时可连用一段时间,表示已去了某地,并要在某地待一段时间。如:

He has gone to London for two weeks. 他已去伦敦了,打算在伦敦呆两星期时间。

have been to与have gone to用法完美辨析