on board 既可以用作介词,也可以用作副词。

1. 用作副词时,表示“在船上”。如:

My wife and I were the first to arrive and hopped on board


We went on board and saw these people packed shoulder to shoulder on the decks.


The cargo on board have been damaged by sea water.


The captain refused to leave his sinking ship while there were others on board.


Have the passengers gone on board? 旅客都已上船了吗?

As soon as I’m on board, I always feel sick. 我一上船就想呕。

The Pioneer probes have on board ultraviolet instruments which are measuringlight that we can't measure on the earth.


2. on board 用作介词时,其后可直接跟表示车、船、飞机的名词。如:

They arrived at Gatwick airport on board a plane chartered by the Italiangovernment


He went on board the train just now. 他刚上火车。

Mr Smith is on board one of those ships. 史密斯先生在其中的一条船上。

There were ten people on board the plane. 当时飞机上有十个人。

The six astronauts on board will spend ten days in space.


On board were enough provisions for two weeks.


I hope that they will take on board some of what you have said.



on board的用法分析