1. 含有 two 以及 second 的成语(1)two-way 双向的 He invented a two-way recorder. 他发明了两用收录机。 (2) in two twos 立刻;一转眼 My pen was lost in two twos. 我的钢笔一转眼就不见了。 (3) put two and two together 根据事实推断 Thev came to the conclusion that he hadn't run out of their city,putting two and two together. 根据事实推断,他们得出这样的结论,他还没有跑出这座城市。 (4) two-to-two shop 当铺 This is only a two-to-two shop. 这只是一间当铺。 (5) second to none 最好的;不可比拟的 The jackets are second to none in the shop. 在这个商店里,这些上衣是上等的。 (6) not for a second 决不 "Are you tired after running"? "No, not for a second." "跑步以后你觉得累吗?" -- "不,一点也不累。"

2. 含有 three 及 third 的成语。 的成语。 (1) three-bottle man 大酒徒 His grandfather is a three-bottle man. 他外公是个大酒徒。 (2) third dimension 真实感 The film seems to have a third dimension. 这部电影看起来有真实感。

3.含有 four 的成语 . 的成语

(1) foursquare 直率的;坦白的 The girl is four square. 这女孩很直率。 (2) on all fours 爬着 The baby goes on all fours. 这婴儿在地上爬行。 (3) four-lettered words 下流话 These books are full of four-lettered words. 这些书里脏话连篇。 (4) in fours 每组四个 Students are standing in a line,in fours. 学生们每组四人排成队。

4.含有 five 或 fifth 的成语 . 的成语 (1) five-star 很出色;第一流的;五星级的 The house is five-star in the village. 这房子在该村是一流水平的。 (2) five and ten 便宜的 The meat is five and ten recently. 最近肉类很便宜。 (3) fifth wheel 多余的人(或物);备用轮 The chair is a fifth wheel, please take it away. 这把椅子是多余的,请把它搬走。 (4) take the fifth 拒绝回答 I asked him many question, but he took the fifth. 我问了他很多问题,可他拒绝回答。

5.含有 six 数词的成语

1) at sixes and sevens 乱七八糟 The boy made the room at sixes and sevens. 这男孩把房间弄得乱七八糟的。 (2) knock...for six 彻底打败……;完全打碎 He knock the glass for six. 他将玻璃杯打碎了。

6.含有 seven 和 seventh 的成语 . 的成语 (1) at seven-league 大踏步地 China is developing at seven league strides. 中国正在大踏步地向前发展。 (2) in one's seventh heaven 在无限幸福中 The children were in their seventh heaven,playing with water on the beach. 孩子们在海滩上玩水,极为幸福。

7.含有 eight 的成语

chasing eight and quarters 追逐名利 The boss in the company is a miser,chasing eight and quarters. 这公司的老板是个追求名利的吝啬鬼。

8.含有 nine 的成语 . 的成语 (1) on cloud nine 万分高兴 father bought me a bike, and I was on cloud nine. 我爸给我买了辆自行车,我万分高兴。 (2) in the nine holes 处于困境 He is in the nine holes because of losing money. 他失去资金而处于困境。 (3) dress up to the nines 打扮得十分华丽 The woman dressed up to the nines. 这女人打扮得十分华丽。

9.含有 ten 的成语

(1) take ten 小憩 He took ten and went on working. 他小憨片刻后继续工作。 (2) ten to one 很可能 "He is at school, isn't he?"---"Yes.That must be ten to one." "他在读书,对吗?" "是的,很可能是。"
