
Reading and writing are very important.

一般情况下,由and 连接的两个名词时,不论名词是否可数与不可数,都当成复数的主语.

注意: 当主语由and连结时,如果它表示一个单一的概念,即指同一人或同一物时,谓语动词用单数,and 此时连接的两个词前只有一个冠词。

The iron and steel industry is very important to our life.


The League secretary and monitor ___ asked to make a speech at the meeting.

A. is B. was C. are D. were

答案B. 注: 先从时态上考虑。这是过去发生的事情应用过去时,先排除A.,C.。本题易误选D,因为The League secretary and monitor 好象是两个人,但仔细辨别, monitor 前没有the,在英语中,当一人兼数职时只在第一个职务前加定冠词。后面的职务用and 相连。这样本题主语为一个人,所以应选B。

Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy、weathy and wise.


句子中主语是Early to bed and early to rise 早睡早起是一个统一的概念,所以用的是单数,类似的情况比如,a knife and fork 一套刀叉,也要用单数动词

大家要注意:一般情况下,由and 连接的两个名词时,不论名词是否可数与不可数,都当成复数的主语.

Water and air are necessary for human beings.


比如: fish and chips ,bread and butter, knife and fork 等,看做同一个事物,后面用单数谓语。

Getting up early and going to bad early is a good habbit.

一个可数名词和一个不可数名词做主语 比如

Paper and pen are mine.

The love and care from my parents are precious for me.

在there is/are句型中,and 连接的主语,用就近原则有可能是单数或复数. 其它情况,and 连接的主语,谓语动词用复数:

There is warter and apples in the house.

There are eggs and warter in the house.
