★ qualify

vt&vi (使)具有资格;(使)合格:

The test will qualify you to drive heavy vehicles.



He's been informed that he doesn't qualify for the scholarship because of his academic background.


★ qualified

adj. 有资格的;称职的

a qualified dental nurse合格的牙科护士

▲be qualified for/to do sth

He took all kinds of tests to prove he was well qualified for this important task.


He isn’ t qualified to vote.他没有投票资格。

★ qualification

①n. 资格;资历[常用复数]

acquire/ gain qualifications获得资格

She has the qualifications for teaching English.

She has the qualifications to teach English.她有教英语的资格。

一日一词:高考完形高频词qualify 及其派生词