star(starred,starred) stare(stared,stared) start(started,started)

★ star

① n. 星;恒星;星状物

a five-star hotel一家五星级酒店

② n. 明星;高手;名家:

a film star电影明星

③ v. ( starred, starred) (使)主演

Charlie Chaplin wrote, directed, and produced the films he starred in.


★ stare

v.盯;凝视 to look at sb/ sth for a long time


She stared at the painting, wondering where she had seen it. 她凝视着这幅画,想知道自己曾在哪里见过它。

n. 盯;凝视:

give sb. a rude stare无礼地盯着某人

★ start

① v. 开始( begin):


The show started with a piece of music familiar to

people in their fifties.


②vi 出发;启程( set out):

start for Beijing动身去北京

③ vt&vi发动:

He couldn’ t start the car. 他无法发动汽车。

④ vt创办;开办:

I’d like to start my own business.我想自己创业。

start off/out出发;启程;起先:

We'll have to start out /off early to get there by lunchtime.我们得早点出发,以便在午饭前赶到那里。

▲ to start with首先;起初


I was pretty nervous to start with, but after a while I was fine.起初我相当紧张,但过了一会儿就好了。

a head start领先;起步前的优势

⑤ n.(常用单数)突然一惊

You gave me quite a start!你吓了我一大跳!

star(starred,starred) stare(stared,stared) start(started,started)

一日一词:starred, started, stared 你能分清这三个词吗