

1. There isa pen and two books on thedesk.桌上有一支笔和两本书。

2.Notyou but I amto blame.不该怪你而该怪我。

3.He or I am in the wrong,他或是我错了。

4.Neitheryou nor he is tired.你和他都没累。



1.The son,as well ashis parents, wants to go there.不但儿子想去那儿,而且他的父母也想去。

2.The teacher,as well asthe students, is interested in the activity.老师也和同学们一样对这项活动有兴趣。

3.Dessert fruit,like strawberries and pears is very popular.像草莓和梨这样的餐后水果是很受欢迎的。

4.John,rather than his roommates,is to blame.约翰,而不是他的室友,应该受到责备。

5.My father,no less than I, is abase-ballfan.我的父亲不亚于我也是个棒球迷

6.Jim, together with his classmates, has seen the film.吉姆和他的同学都看过这部电影。

7.All the students, including Tom,are leaving.所有的学生,包括汤姆都走了。

8.No one except(but) me knows about this news.除了我没有人知道这个消息。