


(1)You are from Japan, aren't you? - 你来自日本,对吗?

Are you from Japan? - 这句话等同于上句


Yes/No, I am / I‘m not.


(1)You should follow traffic rules, shouldn't you? - 你应该遵守交通规则,不是吗?


非反意的附加疑问句的陈述部分要么同是肯定的,要么同是否定的。这类的附加疑问句有时带有感情色彩,表示惊奇,愤怒,讽刺 ,不服气等。

(1)you call this a day ’s work,do you ? - 你这就叫一天的活儿,是吗?



其组成为:肯定陈述句+否定附加疑问句 / 否定句+肯定附加疑问句。


(1)It cold and humid, isn't is? - 天气又冷又潮,不是吗?

(2)Dad was good at sports, wasn't he? - 父亲很擅长运动,不是吗?

(3)Tarzan fell in love with a beautiful girl, didn't he? - Tarzan爱上了一个漂亮的女孩,不是吗?(fall in love with + 人,固定搭配:爱上了某人)

(4)People can't use fake credit card,can they? - 人们不可以用假冒的信用卡,不是吗?

(5)This is really an embarrassing experience, isn't it? - 一次很尴尬的经历,不是吗?

(6)Eating too much junk food isn't good for health, is it? - 吃太多垃圾食品不利于健康,不是吗?

(7)That baby fell asleep, didn't it? - 这个宝宝睡着了,不是吗?


1、am和not没有缩写形式,附加疑问句中要写成am I not, 或者用aren't I或ain't I 来代替。

(1)I am the right man for the job, am I not? - 做这个工作,我是最适合的人选,不是吗?

2、陈述句如过是there is (are)句型,附加疑问句用isn't / aren't there

(2)There is an old man jogging in the playground, isn't there? - 操场上有个老人在慢跑,不是吗?

(3)There are not any pedestrians in the street, are there? - 路上没有任何行人,不是吗?


have / has +过去分词/had better时,have/has为助动词。

(1)We have to finish the work by ourselves, don't we? - 我们必须靠自己完成工作,不是吗?

(2)He's fond of pop music, isn't he? - 他很喜欢流行音乐,不是吗?

(3)He has decided to quit smoking, hasn't he? - 他已经决定戒烟了,不是吗?

(4)Mary and her friends had a good time, didn't they? - 玛丽和他的朋友玩得很开心,不是吗?

(5)You had better keep silent in the meeting, hadn't you? - 你在会议中最好保持沉默,好吗?


含有否定的词有no, nothing, never, seldom, little, few等等。

(1)There is nothing wrong with your phone, is there? - 你的手机没什么毛病,不是吗?


(2)I never tell lies to others, do I? - 我从没对别人说过谎,不是吗?

(3)The foreigner has few friends here in Beijing, does he? - 这个外国人在北京几乎没有朋友,不是吗?


(4)You are too young to have the right to vote, aren't you? - 你太年轻了,还没有投票的权力,不是吗?

6、陈述句中含有something, anything, nothing, everything,附加疑问句代词用it,若是someone, anyone...则用they。

(1)Something bad happened to the student, didn't it?

(2)Someone took my notebook without asking me first, didn't they?


(1)If it is fine tomorrow, they will go picnicking, won't they? - 如果明天天气很好的话,他们就回去野餐,不是吗?

(2)Many readers thought that it was an interesting novel, didn't they? - 很多读者都认为这是一部有趣的小说,不是吗?

8、主要从句是I或we+think / know / believe / imagine / guess / heard等时,这个陈述句主要强调自己的主观看法,所以就不需要询问别人自己是不是这样想的,而是着重于自己的看法本身。所以附加疑问句根据附属从句


(1)I know that you don't want to hurt me, do you? - 我知道你不会伤害我的,对吧?

(2)I believe that he will try his best, won't he? - 我相信他会全力以赴的,对吧?

(3)I don't think that we can spend so much money in clothes, can we? - 我觉得我们可以话这么多钱来买衣服,不是吗?



(1)What a kind man, isn't he? - 多善良的人啊,不是吗?

(2)How interesting this comic book is, isn't it? - 多么有趣的漫画书,不是吗?


肯定祈使句和否定祈使句都+will you?

邀请祈使句+won't you?


Let's~接shall we?

Let us(me/him等)接will you?

Let's not / Don't let's 接all right?/OK?

(1)Tell me what to do, will you? - 告诉我怎么做,好吗?

(2)Don't turn off the right, will you? - 别关灯,好吗?

(3)Have a cup of tea, won't you? - 来喝杯咖啡吧?

(4)Let's call it a day, shall we? - 我们今天就到此为止吧(固定搭配,记住即可)。

(5)Let us give you a hand, will you? - 让我们帮你一把,好吗?

(6)Let's not talk in English, all right?/OK? - 别说英语了可以吗?
